1. 1〔団体の〕an official; an officer
    • 組合役員
    • a union official [officer]
    • 彼は役員の一人だ
    • He is 「on the board [a member of the board].
    • 競技会の役員をしている
    • I am on the committee in charge of the athletic meet.
  1. 2〔企業の〕a director, an executive [iɡzékjutiv];〔総称〕the board (of the directors)
    • 会社の役員をしている
    • He is on the board of directors./He is on the executive board of the corporation.
  1. 役員会〔会議〕 ((hold)) an officers' [executives'] meeting, a meeting of the board;〔重役会〕a board of directors
  1. 役員会議室a board room
  1. 役員室an executive room
  1. 役員席seats reserved for the officials [officers]
  1. 役員報酬directors' remuneration;《米》 compensation of (company) officials

