1. 1〔勤める人の処遇〕treatment;〔給料〕pay
    • その会社は従業員の待遇がよい[悪い]
    • The company treats [pays] its employees well [badly].
    • 待遇を改善する
    • improve working conditions/〔給料を上げる〕give a person a raise
    • 地位相応の待遇を期待していた
    • I had expected to be treated in a way appropriate to my position.
    • 副社長待遇にする
    • You will receive 「the same treatment as [treatment equivalent to that of] a vice president.
  1. 2〔もてなし〕reception;〔ホテルなどの〕service
    • 冷たい待遇を受ける
    • be received coldly
    • ひどい待遇を受ける
    • be treated badly [shabbily]
    • 国賓として待遇された
    • He was received as a state guest.
    • あの新しいホテルは待遇がよい[悪い]
    • That new hotel has good [poor] service./The service at that new hotel is good [poor].

