1. 〔利益〕 ((make)) (a) profit, (a) gain;〔有利〕(an) advantage;〔恩恵〕benefit

    得な profitable; advantageous

    • その計画で一番得するのはだれだろう
    • Who will benefit [gain] the most from that project?
    • 近道すれば10分得をする
    • You can save ten minutes by taking a shortcut.
    • 損をする者があれば得をする者もある
    • ((諺)) It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good.
    • 彼はその取り引きで100万円得した
    • He made a profit of a million yen on the deal.
    • それをすぐ売ったほうがもっとお得ですよ
    • It would be more profitable to sell it at once.
    • そこへ行くには電車よりバスのほうが得だ
    • It is more economical to go there by bus than by train.
    • そうしたほうが得でしょう
    • It would be advantageous [to your advantage/in your interest] to do so.
    • 彼にそれを話しても何の得にもならないだろう
    • It will be no use telling him about it.
    • そんなに言い争って何の得になるんだ
    • What is the use of quarreling like that?
    • 彼は得な性分の人だ
    • He has the sort of disposition that helps him come out on top, no matter what happens.

