1. 〔感じで分かる〕sense;〔気づく〕notice
    • 感付かれないように尾行した
    • I shadowed him carefully so that I wouldn't be noticed.
    • すぐに何かおかしいと感付いた
    • I sensed right away that something was wrong.
    • それがうそだとすぐに感付いた
    • I realized [《文》 perceived] at once that it was not true.
    • 彼がぺてん師ではないかとうすうす感付いていた
    • I hada hunch [a vague suspicion] that he was an impostor.
    • 陰謀に気付く
    • get wind of a plot
    • 彼に隠された面があるなんて全然感付かなかった
    • I did not have the faintest inkling 「of his secret side [that he had a secret side].

