arrange, prepare ((for))

    • ハワイ旅行は万事手配済みです
    • All the arrangements have been made for the trip to Hawaii.
    • 車の手配は出来ていますか
    • 〔送迎の車の準備・連絡が〕Have you arranged for a car (to meet us)?/〔乗れる状態に〕Is the car ready?
    • 結婚式の手配は着々と進んでいる
    • Preparations for the wedding are going forward [ahead] smoothly.

    issue [put out] an order to search for (and arrest) ((a criminal));put ((a person)) on a wanted list

    • 彼は殺人の容疑で全国に指名手配された
    • He was put on the wanted list throughout the country for murder.
    • 指名手配犯
    • a wanted criminal

