1. 1〔じゃまなものを取り除く〕
    • 上着のちりをブラシで払う
    • brush one's jacket
    • 本棚のほこりを払った
    • He dusted the bookcase.
    • ズボンについたどろを払った
    • He beat the dirt [mud] from his trousers.
    • 彼は食物に群がるはえを手で払った
    • He used his hand to drive [shoo] away the flies that swarmed around the food.
    • 庭木の枝を払ってもらった
    • I had some branches trimmed off the trees in the garden.
  1. 2〔横に勢いよく動かす〕
    • 相手の切っ先を払った
    • He knocked away his opponent's sword.
    • 不意に彼に杖で足を払われた
    • Suddenly he swept my feet out from under me with a stick.
  1. 3〔売却する〕
    • ぼろをくず屋に払った
    • I sold some rags to a junkman.
    • 古い家具を払う
    • dispose of old furniture
  1. 4〔立ち退く〕
    • 下宿を払う
    • move out of one's lodgings
  1. 5〔支払う〕pay ((money for a thing))
    • あの本にいくら払いましたか
    • How much did you pay for that book?
    • 現金[品物]で払う
    • pay in cash [kind]
  1. 6〔注意・関心などを向ける〕
    • それには特別の注意を払うべきだ
    • You should pay special attention to that.
    • 誰も彼に敬意を払わなかった
    • No one showed him any respect.
  1. 7〔そろばんの玉を〕restore ((the beads of an abacus)) to their original positions

