1. 1〔押し寄せる〕throng ((to a place))
    • 初日には客がどっと押し掛けた
    • Large crowds thronged (to the theater) to see the premiere of the play.
  1. 2〔招かれないのに出向く〕call on ((a person)) uninvited; invite oneself to ((a place));《口》 crash [gate-crash] ((a party))
    • 夕食に押しかけてきた
    • They came to dinner uninvited./They invited themselves to dinner.
    • 彼の新居に押し掛けよう
    • Let's make a surprise call at his new home.
    • 海岸に住んでいるので夏にはいろんな人が押し掛けてくる
    • I get all sorts of people crashing in on me in the summer, as I live by the sea.
    • 突然押し掛けて申し訳ありませんが…
    • I hate to barge in on you like this, but....

