1. 1〔任命〕designation;〔候補者として推薦すること〕nomination

    指名する designate; nominate

    • 彼を大統領に指名することにした
    • They decided to nominate him for the Presidency.
    • 市長に指名された人は森さんです
    • The nominee for mayor is Mr. Mori.
    • 彼をその地位に指名したのはだれか
    • Who 「designated him for [named him to] the position?
  1. 2〔名指し〕
    • 彼は先生に指名されて立ち上がった
    • He stood up when the teacher called on him.
  1. 指名解雇(a) dismissal of workers by name
  1. 指名受諾演説((give)) an acceptance speech
  1. 指名ストライキa strike by workers designated by the union
  1. 指名代打制the 「designated hitter [DH] system
  1. 指名打者a designated hitter ((略 DH))
  1. 指名手配指名手配する put ((a criminal)) on the wanted list
    • 指名手配中(の)
    • wanted by the police
    • 警察は犯人を全国に指名手配した
    • The police started a search for the criminal throughout the country.
  1. 指名手配犯人a criminal on the wanted list; a wanted man
  1. 指名投票a roll call vote
  1. 指名入札a tender by nominated bidders

