1. an appeal ((to a higher court))

    控訴する appeal; file an appeal

    • 彼の控訴は却下された
    • His appeal was dismissed.
    • 最高裁に控訴することにした
    • They decided to appeal to the Supreme Court.
    • 被告は地裁の判決を不服として控訴した
    • The defendant appealed the decision of the district court.
    • 検事は控訴した
    • The prosecutor took the case to a higher court.
  1. 控訴期間the period allowed for filing an appeal
  1. 控訴棄却(a) dismissal
  1. 控訴権authority to indict
  1. 控訴裁判所a court of appeal(s); an appellate court
  1. 控訴状a petition of appeal
  1. 控訴審a review by an appellate court on an appeal
  1. 控訴人an appellant
  1. 控訴理由the grounds of an appeal

