present;〔議案などを〕introduce;〔付託する〕submit;〔手渡す〕hand in
- 彼らは会議に提出する書類を作成中だ
- They are drawing up the documents 「for submission [to submit/to present] to the conference.
- 願書の提出は2月5日まで
- Applications should be submitted by February 5.
- 時間です.答案を提出しなさい
- Time is up. 「Hand in [《米》 Turn in] your 「answer sheets [examination papers].
- 彼は証拠の提出を求められた
- He was asked to produce proof [evidence].
- 野党は不信任案の動議を提出した
- The opposition party 「moved a vote of [introduced a motion of] no-confidence.
- 彼は辞表を提出した
- He tendered his resignation.