- 〔助力〕assistance, aid;〔支援〕support
援助する 〔助力する〕assist, help, aid;〔支援する〕support
- 精神的[物質的]援助
- moral [material] support
- 彼に援助を求めよう
- Let's ask [appeal to] him for help.
- 計画に援助を約束してくれた
- He pledged support for our plan.
- 彼が立候補するなら援助しようということになった
- We agreed to back him (up) if he decided to run for election.
- 援助交際“compensated dating”;・schoolgirl prostitution disguised as pay for companionship
- 援助交際を何とも思わない女子高校生が大勢いるらしい
- Many high school girls seem to think nothing of having sex with middle-aged men in exchange for money or gifts.
- 援助組織a relief organization [agency]
- 援助要員a relief worker