- 〔支払うこと〕 《文》 (an) expenditure,《文》 (a) disbursement;〔支払う金額〕(an) expenditure(▼ 《米》 では複数形がよく使われる),disbursements;〔経費〕expenses
支出する pay (out); spend;《文》 expend
- 予算外支出
- disbursements not provided for in the budget
- 国庫からの不正支出
- an illegal disbursement from the National Treasury
- 支出が多い[少ない]
- have many [few] expenses
- 支出を抑える
- hold down expenditure [expenses]
- 軍備に多額の支出をする
- spend large sums of money on arms
- 支出が収入を上回った
- Expenditures [Outlays] exceeded revenues.
- 支出係a disbursements [pay] window; a pay clerk [officer]
- 支出額the amount disbursed; the expenditure; the disbursement; the outlay
- 50万円の支出額
- expenditure of 500,000 yen