• 日中は外で遊ぶ
    • play outside 「in the daytime [during the day]
    • 日中は働き,夜勉強した
    • He worked by day and studied by night.
    • 日中の一番暑い時に
    • during the hottest part of the day
  1. 日中関係Japan-China ties [relations]
    • 日中関係を改善する
    • improve the relationship between Japan and China
    • 日中関係を強化する
    • strengthen ties between Japan and China
  1. 日中共同声明the Japan-China Joint Communique (of 1972)
    • 日中共同声明の発表
    • the release [announcement] of the Japan-China Joint Communique
  1. 日中戦争the Japanese-Chinese War; the Sino-Japanese War
  1. 日中貿易trade between Japan and China
  1. 日中平和友好条約the Japan-China Treaty of Peace and Friendship
  1. 日中国交正常化the resumption [normalization] of diplomatic ties between Japan and China
    • 日中国交正常化の話し合いをした
    • Japan and China discussed the normalization of diplomatic ties.
  1. 日中辞典a Japanese-Chinese dictionary
  1. broad daylight
    • 昼日中に
    • in broad daylight/in the daytime

