1. I〔寺の主仏〕the principal image; the principal object of worship (at a temple)
    • 平等院の本尊は阿弥陀如来である
    • Byodoin Temple is sacred [dedicated] to Amitabha.
    • 鬼子母神は子供の守り本尊といわれる
    • Hariti is said to be the patron goddess of children.
  1. II
  1. 1〔中心となる人物〕
    • この事件の本尊は大物議員らしい
    • The person at the center of this case appears to be an important Diet member.
  1. 2〔当人〕
    • うわさをしていたらご本尊がやって来た
    • Just as we were talking about him, the man himself came along.

