1. 〔握るところ〕a handle, a grip(▼手で握る形をしており,通常 handleの一部);〔ほうきの〕a broomstick;〔やり,ゴルフクラブなどの〕a shaft;〔おの,小刀などの〕a haft
    • 傘の柄
    • the handle of an umbrella
  1. 柄のないところに柄をすげるforce logic; resort to forced logic
  1. 1〔模様〕a pattern; a figure(▼figureは小さな繰り返し模様);a design(▼形や色の扱い方や配列などを強調する)
    • しま柄のドレス
    • a dress with 「a striped pattern [stripes]
    • 大柄
    • a large pattern
    • 小さな柄のプリント地
    • a print with a small figure
    • 複雑な柄
    • an intricate design
    • 今年はアニマル柄と迷彩柄が大流行している
    • Animal patterns and camouflage patterns are 「extremely popular [really big] this year.
  1. 2〔体格〕(a) build
    • 柄の大きい少年
    • a boy with a big build
    • 柄の小さい子供
    • an undersized child
    • 小柄[大柄]の女性
    • a small [big-boned] woman
  1. 3〔性質,状態〕
    • あんな柄の悪い奴と付き合うな
    • Don't associate with such a low [base] fellow.
    • 彼は指導者といった柄ではない
    • He does not have the qualities [caliber] of a leader.
    • 全く柄にもないことを父は言った
    • My father's remark was 「quite out of character [quite unlike him].
    • この辺は柄が悪い
    • This is not a very good neighborhood.
  1. 4〔立場〕
    • 文句を言える柄か
    • You have no right to object./What right have you to complain?
  1. 柄物patterned cloth
    • 時節柄
    • in view of the present situation
    • 場所柄を考えて一言も言わなかった
    • Considering the nature of the occasion, I didn't say anything.
    • 商売柄すぐ利益の計算をしてしまう
    • My occupation being what it is, I always think about profits first.
  1. 〔刀剣などの〕a hilt;〔おの・ナイフ・短剣などの〕a haft;〔弓の〕a grip
    • 彼は刀の柄を取った
    • He held his sword by the hilt.
    • 彼は短刀を柄も通れと男の胸に突き刺した
    • He thrust his dagger home [up to the hilt] into the man's chest.

