1. judo; jujitsu
    Judo is a modern Japanese martial art founded by Jigoro Kano. Kano established the Kodokan school of martial arts in 1882, incorporating several styles of traditional Japanese martial arts, such as jujitsu and yawara. Judo techniques are divided into 3 major categories: throwing, grappling, and striking. Karate-like striking techniques are considered dangerous and thus are not permitted in tournaments. After World War II judo gained popularity internationally, and is practiced as a competitive sport all over the world.
    • 柔道をやる
    • practice judo
    • 柔道の試合をする
    • have a judo match ((with a person))
    • 彼は柔道五段だ
    • He has a fifth dan in judo.
  1. 柔道家a judo expert; an expert in judo

