1. 1〔ある程度に抑える〕
    • 被害を最小限にとどめる
    • hold the damage to a minimum
    • 経費を10万円以内にとどめること
    • You must keep the expenses within 100,000 yen.
    • これは君の胸のうちだけにとどめておいて欲しい
    • Please keep this to yourself.
    • 彼の最新作の批評はこれぐらいでとどめておこう
    • So much for criticism of his latest work.
    • 彼が候補の一人だとだけ言うにとどめる
    • Suffice it to say that he is one of the candidates.
  1. 2〔元の形を残す〕
    • 子供のころの面影をとどめている
    • She still retains something of the way she looked as a child.
    • 森は開発されて原形をとどめていない
    • The forest has been developed and nothing remains to remind us of what it used to be.
  1. 3〔痕跡を残す〕
    • 北極点に足跡をとどめる
    • leave one's footprints at [set foot on] the North Pole
    • 歴史にその名をとどめる
    • leave one's name in history
  1. 4〔後に残す〕
    • 妻子を郷里にとどめて上京した
    • He went to Tokyo, leaving his family in his hometown.
  1. 5〔引き止める〕
    • 帰ろうとする彼をとどめた
    • As he was leaving, we stopped [《文》 detained] him.
    • 子供を家の中にとどめておく
    • keep a child inside the house
    • 辞職しようとする彼をとどめた
    • We persuaded [《文》 prevailed on] him not to resign.
    • 君を現職にとどめる
    • We will keep[《文》 retain] you in your present position.
  1. 1〔停止させる〕stop
    • 彼は足を止めて地図を見た
    • He stopped to take a look at his map.
    • 旗を振って列車を止めた
    • He stopped the train by waving a flag.
    • タクシーを止めてくれ
    • Flag down a cab [taxi] for me.
    • 次の角で止めてください
    • 〔車の運転者に〕Please stop at the next corner.
    • キーと音を立てて車を止めた
    • He brought his car to a screeching halt.
    • 車を止める所がない
    • There is no room to park my car.
    • 目覚まし時計を止める
    • turn off an alarm clock
  1. 2〔中断する〕
    • テレビを止める
    • turn off the TV
    • 水道[ガス]を止める
    • 〔利用者でも供給者でも〕turn off the water [gas]/〔供給を〕cut off the water [gas] supply
    • 事故のため通行が止められた
    • Traffic was held up because of the accident.
  1. 3〔抑える〕
    • 血を止める
    • stop [staunch/stem] the bleeding
    • 痛みを止める
    • kill the pain
    • 咳を止める
    • 〔本人が〕stop coughing/〔薬で〕stop a person's cough
    • みんな息を止めた
    • Everybody held his breath.
    • 涙を止めることができなかった
    • I could not keep [hold] back my tears.
  1. 4〔やめさせる〕stop ((a person from doing));〔思いとどまらせる〕 《文》 dissuade
    • 彼は子供が子猫をいじめるのを止めた
    • He stopped the children from teasing the kitten.
    • けんかを止めに入った
    • He stepped in to stop the quarrel.
    • 辞職しようとする彼を説得して止めた
    • I persuaded him not to resign./I dissuaded him from resigning.
    • 止めても聞くような人ではない
    • He's not the sort of person to listen even if we tell him not to do it.
    • 彼は監視員が止めるのも聞かずに水かさの増した川で泳ぎ始めた
    • He began to swim in the swollen river, in spite of the watchman's warning.
  1. 5〔禁止する〕forbid ((doing; a person to do));〔公的に〕prohibit ((a person from doing))
    • 法によりこの品の売買は止められている
    • The purchase and sale of this article is prohibited by law.
    • 医者にたばこを止められている
    • I have been 「ordered not [forbidden] to smoke by the doctor.
  1. 〔終わりにする〕stop ((doing)),《文》 cease ((doing; to do));〔断念する〕abandon, give up;〔終わらせる〕put an end to;〔契約などを破棄する〕cancel
    • 彼が入ってくると,彼らは話をやめた
    • They stopped talking when he came in.
    • たばこをやめたほうがよい
    • You'd better quit [give up] smoking.
    • 計画したことはどうあってもやめない
    • I won't abandon [give up] my plan no matter what happens.
    • こんな不当な差別はやめるべきだ
    • This unfair discrimination should be brought to an end.
    • この契約はやめることにした
    • I have decided to cancel this contract.
    • 先週はどこでやめましたっけ
    • 〔授業などで〕Where did we leave off last week?

