1. 1〔空気〕air;〔大気〕the atmosphere
    • 海の気を吸う
    • breathe in sea air
    • 新鮮な山の気
    • fresh mountain air
    • 辺りに秋の気がみなぎっている
    • Autumn is in the air.
    • 気の抜けた風船
    • a deflated balloon
  1. 2〔雰囲気〕an atmosphere
  1. 3〔風味〕a flavor,《英》 a flavour;〔におい〕a smell
    • 気の抜けたビール
    • flat [stale] beer
  1. 4〔気質〕
    • 気の弱い
    • 〔おどおどした〕timid;diffident/〔意志の弱い〕weak-willed
    • 気のいい人
    • a good-natured person
    • たいていの人は知らん顔をするところだ.彼は本当に気の強い人だ
    • Most people would have looked the other way. He really has guts.
    • 彼は気の強い人だから言われたら絶対言い返す
    • He's so stubborn [strong-willed] that if he's criticized, he's bound to answer back.
    • 気が勝った娘
    • a strong-minded girl
    • 気が小さい
    • be fainthearted/be chicken-hearted
  1. 5〔気分,気持ち〕
    • 気が腐ってむしゃくしゃしていた
    • I was depressed and irritable.
    • 彼のことを思うと気が重い
    • My heart is heavy when I think of him.
    • それを聞いて気が楽になった
    • It's a relief to hear that.
    • 仕事をする気がしない
    • I don't feel like working./I'm 「in no mood [not in the mood] to work.
    • 今日はよく釣れそうな気がするぞ
    • I've got a feeling that we're going to catch a lot today.
    • ボーナスをもらったら気が大きくなった
    • Having received his bonus, he was in an expansive mood.
    • 気の折れる仕事
    • a stressful job
  1. 6〔意識,心〕
    • 気を失う
    • faint/lose consciousness
    • 気を落ち着ける
    • collect [calm] oneself
    • 気を強く持て
    • Don't let yourself get [be] discouraged.
    • お気に召すまま
    • Do as you like.
    • 気の持ちようでどうにでもなる
    • Everything depends on how you look at it.
    • 彼は気を変えた
    • He changed his mind.
    • 気は確かだ
    • He is sane./He is in his right mind.
    • 気が若い
    • He is young 「at heart [in spirit].
    • 気は確かか
    • Are you crazy [《口》 nuts]?
  1. 7〔「…する気」の形で,…のつもり〕
    • 何をする気だ
    • What do you intend to do?/《口》 What are you up to?
    • 彼女を悲しませる気はなかった
    • I did not mean to make her sad.
    • 本人は合格する気でいる
    • She expects to pass./She thinks she will pass.
    • 彼を許す気にはとてもなれない
    • I simply cannot bring myself to forgive him.
  1. 8〔様子,勢い〕
    • 国中に復興の気がみなぎっている
    • The whole country is bent on reconstruction.
  1. 気が合う〔仲がよい〕get along well ((with));《口》 hit it off ((with));〔同じ意見,思考,趣向である〕be like-minded;《口》 be on the same wavelength
    • 彼とは気が合わない
    • We just don't get along (with each other).
    • 私たちはその日から旧知のように気が合った
    • We hit it off like old friends from the first day we met.
  1. 気が有る1〔しようとする意志がある〕
    • 本当に返す気があったら返せる金額だ
    • The debt is small enough that he could pay it back if he really intended to.
  2. 気が有る2〔異性に対して〕
    • 彼はあの娘に気がありそうだ
    • He seems 「to be interested in [to have taken a fancy to] that girl.
    • 気が多い人
    • 〔多くのことに興味を持つ〕a person who has too many interests/〔移り気な〕a capricious person/a person who flits from one thing to another/〔異性に対して〕a person who is fickle/a flirt/a playboy/a playgirl
    • 彼は気が置けないやつだ
    • I feel at home [ease] with him./He's easy to get along with.
    • これは気が置けない会である
    • This is just an informal meeting.
  1. 気が利く1〔頭の回転が早い〕be smart; be quick
    • 気が利かない
    • be slow/be dull-witted
    • 彼は金もうけとなるとよく気が利く
    • He is smart [quick-witted] when it comes to making money.
    • せっかく席が空いているのに立っているのも気が利かない
    • There is no sense in standing when there are seats available.
  2. 気が利く2〔心が行き届いている〕be considerate;〔如才ない〕be tactful
  3. 気が利く3〔しゃれている〕
    • 気が利いた服
    • a chic [smart] dress
    • 気が利いたデザイン
    • a smart [stylish] design
    • 気が利いた冗談
    • a clever [witty] joke
    • 気が利いたアイディア
    • 「a bright [an ingenious] idea
    • 息子の将来を考えると気が気でない
    • I am terribly anxious [concerned] about my son's future.
    • 君が変なことを言い出すんじゃないかと気が気でなかった
    • I was worried to death that you might say something inappropriate.
  1. 気が狂うgo mad [crazy]; lose one's mind;《口》 go nuts
    • 気が狂っている
    • be mad/be crazy/be insane
    • 悲しみで気が狂った
    • Her grief drove her mad [insane/crazy].
    • 妻があまりがみがみいうので彼は気が狂いそうだった
    • His wife's nagging nearly drove him nuts.
    • 気が狂ったように踊り続けた
    • He kept on dancing 「like a madman [《口》 like mad].
  1. 気が差す〔気になる〕feel uneasy ((about));〔やましい気がする〕feel guilty ((about))
    • 気が差してそんなことはできない
    • My conscience won't let me do that.
    • あんな事をするなんて彼女の気が知れない
    • 〔理解に苦しむ〕I cannot understand why she did such a thing./〔あきれた〕I am simply appalled that she should have done such a thing.
  1. 気が進むbe willing [inclined] ((to do))
    • その仕事はどうも気が進まない
    • I'd rather not do that job./I don't feel like doing that work.
  1. 気が済むbe satisfied ((with))
    • 気が済むまで話し合う
    • talk a problem out [through]
    • これで気が済みますか
    • Are you satisfied now?/Will this satisfy you?
    • 前からの不満が言えてこれで気が済んだ
    • I feel better now that I have been able to air my grievances.
    • この間は気が急いていたので失礼しました
    • I was in such a hurry the other day that I'm afraid I was impolite to you.
    • 早くそこに行きたいと気が急いた
    • I was impatient to get there.
  1. 気が立つ〔興奮する〕get excited ((at, over));〔いらいらする〕be irritable
    • 仕事がうまくゆかず皆,気が立っているんだ
    • They are all 「on edge [irritable] because their work is not going well.
    • レースを前に馬は気が立っている
    • The horse is nervous before the race.
    • 気が散るから静かにしてくれ
    • Be quiet. I can't concentrate.
    • テレビの音がうるさくて,気が散って勉強できない
    • The sound of the television 「distracts me from [disturbs] my study.
  1. 気が付く1notice ⇒きづく(気付く)
  2. 気が付く2〔行き届く〕
    • あの宿のおかみは細かいところまで気が付く
    • The landlady at that inn is attentive to the needs of her guests.
  3. 気が付く3〔正気に戻る〕regain consciousness; come to; come around [《英》 round]
    • 彼といっしょにいると気がつまる
    • I feel ill at ease in his presence.
  1. 気が遠くなるfeel faint
    • 暑さと騒音で気が遠くなりそうだった
    • I was on the verge of fainting because of the heat and noise.
    • それは気が遠くなるような計画だった
    • It was a mind-boggling [stupendous] project.
    • 問題が山積していて気が遠くなりそうだ
    • I am almost overwhelmed by the mountain of problems confronting me.
    • 彼にあんな事を言ってしまい気がとがめる
    • 「I regret having [I'm sorry that I] said such a thing to him.
    • あの人は私にうそをついても全然気がとがめないようだ
    • She seems 「to think nothing of [《文》 not to have the slightest compunction about] having lied to me.
    • 彼は気が長い
    • He is patient./He has a lot of patience.
  1. 気が抜ける1〔今までの意欲がなくなる〕
    • 大事な試合に負けてすっかり気が抜けてしまった
    • 「I was terribly let down [I lost heart] after losing that important match.
    • 気が抜けたような表情をしていた
    • 〔ものうげな〕He had a listless expression on his face./〔がっかりした〕He looked 「discouraged [《口》 let down].
  2. 気が抜ける2〔香気がなくなる〕 ⇒き(気)3
  1. 気が乗るきのり(気乗り)
    • 勉強に気が入らない
    • I can't concentrate on study.
  1. 気が早いbe hasty ⇒せいきゅう(性急)
    • 気が張る仕事
    • work which requires all one's attention/a nerve-(w)racking job
  1. 気が引けるfeel diffident
  1. 気が短いbe short-tempered ⇒きみじか(気短)
    • 今行くのは気が向きません
    • I don't feel like going now.
    • 気が向くままに旅した
    • I traveled 「as fancy [wherever my feet] led me.
    • 気が向くと素晴らしい絵を描く
    • He paints excellent pictures when 「the whim is on him [the fancy takes him].
    • 気が向いたらお電話ください
    • Please call me up anytime you feel like it.
    • ひどく気が滅入っている
    • I'm [I feel] awfully depressed.
    • それを聞いて気が滅入ってしまった
    • My heart sank when I heard it.
    • 気がゆるんでいたからそんなへまをやったんだ
    • You made such a blunder because you were careless [not attentive enough].
    • 試験が済むとすっかり気がゆるんでしまった
    • As soon as the exams were over I let up completely.
    • まだまだ気をゆるめるわけにはいかない
    • I cannot breathe easy yet.
  1. 気に掛かる気になる
    • 彼女の病気が気に掛かる
    • Her illness weighs on my mind.
    • いつもお気に掛けていただきうれしく思います
    • Thank you for your (constant) consideration.
    • 彼[その仕事]は気に食わない
    • I don't like him [that job].
    • 彼のにやけた態度が気に食わない
    • His sissy attitude gets on my nerves.
    • 彼は私の気に障るような事ばかりする
    • He always 「rubs me [《英》 rubs me up] the wrong way.
    • 私の何が彼の気に障ったのか分からない
    • I don't understand why he got angry with me./I don't understand what I did to 「offend him [hurt his feelings].
  1. 気にするmind; care; worry ((about))
    • 彼らにからかわれても気にしなかった
    • Their ridicule didn't bother me.
    • 人のうわさなんか気にするな
    • Don't worry about what people say.
    • 何を言われようと気にしない
    • I don't care what people say.
  1. 気になる1〔気に掛かる〕
    • 気になる知らせ
    • disturbing news
    • エンジンの音が気になる
    • The noise of the engine worries me.
    • 彼の安否が急に気になった
    • I suddenly felt uneasy about his safety.
  2. 気になる2〔心を引かれる〕
    • クラスにちょっと気になる人がいる
    • There's someone in my class 「I'm kind of interested in [《英》 I fancy].
  3. 気になる3〔神経に障る〕 ⇒気に障る
  4. 気になる4〔…したい気持ちになる〕feel inclined ((to))
    • あの人とは結婚する気になれない
    • I cannot bring myself to marry him.
    • どうしてアフリカに行く気になったのですか
    • What induced you to go to Africa?
    • そんな事を気に病んでもしょうがない
    • It's useless to worry [fret] about such a thing.
    • 気のせいだよ
    • It's just your imagination.
    • 気のない返事
    • an indifferent response/a half-hearted answer
    • 気のない素振り
    • an air of indifference
    • 彼が帰国するのを待つなんて気の長い話だ
    • It's a slow business waiting for him to return from abroad.
  1. 気のよいgood-natured
  1. 気は心It's the thought that counts.
    • 気は心です.受け取っておいてください
    • This is just a small token of my gratitude, but I would be happy if you would accept it.
    • それを思うと気もそぞろだ
    • The thought of it makes me restless.
    • もっと気を入れて仕事をしろ
    • You must put more heart into your work./You must work more earnestly.
    • 気を入れて聴いているのか
    • Are you really listening [paying attention]?
    • 思いがけない不幸にすっかり気を落とした
    • He was completely disheartened [discouraged] by the unexpected misfortune.
    • 彼女は気を利かせて席をはずした
    • Taking in the situation, she tactfully left the room.
  1. 気を配る〔注意する〕pay attention ((to)),be attentive ((to));〔世話をする〕take good care ((of))
    • 彼はよく気を配ってくれる
    • He takes good care of me./He is attentive to my needs.
    • 他の事に気を取られていた
    • I wasthinking about [preoccupied with] something else.
    • 気を取り直して一からやり直した
    • Pulling myself together [Collecting myself], I started again from scratch.
    • 彼にはずいぶん気を遣ってきたつもりだ
    • I have tried to take good care of him./〔尽くした〕I think I have done a great deal for him.
    • 身だしなみに気を付ける
    • be careful about one's (personal) appearance
    • 火の元に気を付ける
    • be careful with fire
    • 道を渡る時は車に気を付けなさい
    • Watch [Look] out for cars when you cross a street.
    • 気を付けろ
    • Watch out!
    • 部品の在庫には気を付けてくれ
    • See that we always have enough parts in stock.
    • 気を付けて行ってらっしゃい
    • Goodbye! Have a nice day [trip].(▼tripは旅に出る人に)
  1. 気を抜く1〔気持ちをゆるめる〕
    • 忙しくて気を抜く暇もない
    • I am too busy to relax.
  2. 気を抜く2〔いい加減にする〕
    • 気を抜いた一つの投球のために試合を落とした
    • That one careless pitch cost him the game.
    • 彼の剣幕に気を飲まれた
    • Face to face with his fury, we weretaken aback [overwhelmed/staggered].
    • 学会で大いに気を吐いている
    • He is very active in the academic society.
    • チームの中で一人彼が気を吐いた
    • Of all the team members, he alone 「played very well [made a good showing].
    • 母校のために気を吐く
    • do a good job [put up a good show] for the sake of one's alma mater
    • 酒を飲んで気を晴らす
    • drink and forget one's troubles
    • このところずっと気を張り詰めて仕事をしていた
    • I've been working under a strain lately.
    • 大仕事に気を引き締めてかかる
    • set about a great venture withresolution [determination]
    • 気を引き締めろ
    • Come on. Get focused./Pull yourself together.
    • 慰めの言葉くらいで彼の気を引き立たせることはできまい
    • We won't be able to encourage him with mere words of consolation.
    • 彼は彼女の気を引こうと一生懸命だ
    • He is trying very hard to attract [arouse] her interest.
    • 酒で気を紛らわす
    • find relief [release] in drink
    • 何かを見付けて気を紛らわすことだ
    • You must find something to 「take your mind off it [divert yourself with].
    • 君は気を回し過ぎだ
    • You are too suspicious (about everything)./You worry too much.
    • 連中と裏取り引きがあるなんて,そんなに気を回さないでくれ
    • Stop suspecting me of having backdoor dealings with them.
    • 人に気を持たせておいて計画を中止するなんてひどい
    • It's awful of him to cancel the plan after having given me so much reason to hope.
    • 早く見せてください.いやに気を持たせるじゃないですか
    • Please hurry up and show it to me. You are playing with my expectations.
    • 好きでなければ気を持たせてはいけないよ
    • Don't encourage him unless you love him.
    • そんなことで気をもむな
    • Don't fret about such a thing.
    • 君が何を言い出すのかと気をもんだ
    • I was anxious [uneasy] about what you were going to say. ⇒気が気でない
  1. 気を許すbe off one's guard
    • 気を許したのが間違いの元だった
    • Being caught off guard was the root of the whole disaster.
    • あいつとは気を許す仲だ
    • We are close friends./We are such good friends that we can let down our guard with each other.
    • 彼には気を許せない
    • I don't feel easy with him./I don't trust him.
    • もうすぐ試験だから今ここで気を緩めるわけにはいかない
    • As the examination is approaching, I cannot 「relax my efforts [let up] now.
    • 試合に勝ったので気をよくしていた
    • Having won the game, I was in a good mood.
  1. 気を悪くするbe offended by; feel hurt ((by, at));be displeased ((at, with))
    • そんな事を言ったら彼は気を悪くするだろう
    • He will be offended [hurt] if you say such a thing to him.
    • 気を悪くしないで聞いてくれ
    • Please listen to what I have to say without taking offense.
  1. 気を楽にするrelax
    • そう堅くならず気を楽にしなさい
    • Don't be so nervous. Just relax [make yourself at home].
  1. 〔気配〕a sign of;〔気味〕a touch of;〔味〕a taste of ((salt))
    • 女っ気のない家
    • a house which lacks a woman's touch
    • 今日はおしろい気がなかったのでふだんよりふけて見えた
    • She looked older today because she wasn't wearing (any) makeup.
    • 茶目っ気がある
    • impish
    • リューマチの気がある
    • have a touch of rheumatism
    • かわいげがない
    • cheeky/impertinent
    • 悲しげな
    • sad
    • 物欲しげな顔をするな
    • Don't look so wistful.
    • 怪しげな人
    • a suspicious person
    • うれしげに
    • happily
    • もどかしげに
    • impatiently
    • 寂しげに見える
    • look lonely

