1. 1〔気勢〕spirit, heart, fight;〔掛け声〕a cheer, a yell
    • 彼はゲームに気合いが入っている
    • 《口》 He is all fired [pumped] up for the game.
    • 気合いの入った試合
    • a heated game [match]
  1. 2〔いき〕
    • 二人の気合いが合った[合わなかった]
    • Their timing was perfectly [poorly] coordinated.
  1. 気合いを入れる1〔力を入れる〕
    • 打席でもっと気合いを入れたら彼の打率は上がるんだが
    • His batting average would go up if he just showed more fight in the batter's box.
  2. 気合いを入れる2〔きたえる〕
    • 彼はもっと気合いを入れる必要がある
    • He needs to have it hammered [drilled/pounded] into him.
  1. 気合いを掛けるshout support [encouragement]
    • 彼は気合い負けした
    • He lost because he was cowed [overawed] by his opponent's show of determination.

