1. 1〔勝負の〕a finishing stroke; a decisive blow
    • あのボクサーは決め手を欠いている
    • That fighter lacks a KO punch.
  1. 2〔事件などの〕a decisive [conclusive] factor;《口》 a clincher
    • 弁護士は無罪の決め手となる証拠を提出した
    • His lawyer presented [introduced] decisive [conclusive/incontrovertible] proof of his innocence.
    • 問題解決の決め手がつかめない
    • I can't find any key to the solution of the problem.
    • 科学者はこの発見が癌がん制圧の決め手になるものと信じている
    • Scientists believe that this discovery will prove a great breakthrough in the fight to conquer cancer.
    • 検事は被告を不利にする有力な決め手を欠いていた
    • The prosecutor could find no evidence strong enough to clinch his case against the accused.

