- 1〔あつらえ〕an order
注文する order; make [put in] an order ((for a thing))
- 大口[小口]注文
- a large [small] order
- 追加注文をする
- make [place] 「a supplementary [an additional] order
- 雑誌の注文を取る[取り消す]
- take [cancel] a subscription for a magazine
- 電話でのご注文を承ります
- We accept orders by telephone.
- インターネットで注文をする
- order ((a thing)) online
- 注文に応じきれなかった
- We could not fill all the orders.
- その品物に注文が殺到した
- Orders 「came pouring in [flooded in] for that article./We were swamped with orders for that article.
- 私は靴を全部注文で作らせる
- I have all my shoes 「made to order [custom-made].
- 注文したものがやっと手に入った
- I got my order at last.
- 英国[外国]に本を注文する
- order books from England [abroad]
- ウエートレスにコーヒーを注文した
- I ordered (a cup of) coffee from a server.
- それはあの会社に注文した
- I placed an order for it with that company.
- 百科事典は注文中だ
- The encyclopedia is on order.
- 2〔要求〕a request, a demand;〔条件〕a condition
- 彼は無理な注文をつけてきた
- He has made an unreasonable request of us.
- 居間は南向きにするという注文を一つだけつけて家を建てた
- I had a house built with only one condition attached: that the living room should face south.
- すべてが注文通りにゆくものではない
- You cannot have everything your own way.
- 「一人でやれ」「それは無理な注文です」
- “Do it by yourself.”“That's asking too much!”
- 注文建築[住宅]a house built to order; a custom-built house
- 注文先〔注文した人〕the orderer;〔注文を受けた人〕the recipient of an order
- 注文書an order sheet
- 注文取りa salesman; a person sent to take [collect] orders
- 注文流れa cancelation (of an order)
- 注文主the customer
- 注文主は倒産した
- The firm [person] that ordered it went bankrupt.
- 注文主は丸山商事だ
- It was ordered by the Maruyama Trading Co.
- 注文品an article made to order
- 注文服custom-made clothing