1. I
  1. 1〔汚れを落とす〕wash;〔化学薬品などで〕cleanse;〔ゆすいで〕rinse
    • 冷たい水で顔を洗う
    • wash one's face in cold water
    • 体を洗う
    • wash oneself
    • 自動車を洗っている
    • He is washing his car./He is giving his car a wash.
    • 食器を洗う
    • 《米》 do [wash] the dishes/《英》 wash up
    • 髪を洗う
    • wash [shampoo] one's hair
    • 「この布地は洗っても大丈夫ですか」「洗うといたみます」
    • “Is this material washable?” ― “It doesn't wash well.”
    • 冷水で目を洗う
    • bathe one's eyes with cold water
    • 傷を洗う
    • clean [cleanse] a wound
    • 茶殻を捨てて急須を洗う
    • rinse tea leaves out of a teapot
    • 水夫たちが甲板を洗っていた
    • The sailors were swabbing down the deck of the ship.
  1. 2〔水や波が寄せてかかる〕wash
    • 急流が絶壁のすそを洗っている
    • A rapid stream washes the base of the cliff.
    • 波が岸を洗っていた
    • Waves were washing [lapping on] the beach.(▼lapは小さい波がひたひたと洗う意)
  1. II
  1. 1〔影響を受ける〕
    • 経済界は不景気の波に洗われている
    • The business world is being hit by the effects of the recession.
  1. 2〔調べる〕
    • 警察は彼の身元を洗った
    • The police made a thorough investigation of his past.
  1. 3〔心が〕
    • その美しい音楽を聞くと心が洗われるようだった
    • Listening to that beautiful music, I felt as though my heart [soul] were beingwashed clean [purified].

