1. 1〔音がやかましい〕noisy
    • テレビの音がうるさい
    • The TV is too loud [noisy].
    • うるさい黙れ
    • Shut up!/Shut your mouth!/Be quiet!
    • うるさくて仕事にならない
    • The noise disturbs me so much that I can't work.
  1. 2〔わずらわしい〕
    • うるさい問題
    • a troublesome [sticky] question
    • うるさそうに子供を追い払った
    • He sent the child away 「with an annoyed look [as if irritated].
    • 長い髪はうるさい
    • Long hair gets in the way.
    • はえがうるさい
    • Flies are a nuisance.
    • うるさいぞ
    • 〔じゃまするな〕Don't bother me!/Stop bothering [《口》 bugging] me!/〔ほっといてくれ〕Leave me alone.
  1. 3〔しつこい〕persistent
    • セールスマンはうるさく電話をかけてきた
    • The salesman plagued me with phone calls.
    • うるさくせがまれて息子にオートバイを買ってやった
    • He finally bought his son a motorcycle because the boy pestered him so.
  1. 4〔口やかましい〕
    • 言葉遣い[作法]にうるさい
    • be particular about language [manners]
    • 世間の口はうるさい
    • People (will) talk.
    • あいつがうるさいからこのことは内緒にしてくれ
    • He'll make a fuss, so don't let him find out about this.
    • ジョンは好みがうるさい
    • John is so hard to please./John has got such fussy [fastidious] tastes.
    • 彼はこの件についてうるさいことは言わない
    • He won't be very strict about this matter.
  1. (a) worry; (a) trouble
    • 煩い多き人の世
    • this trouble-filled world
    • 私には近所付き合いが煩いの種だ
    • Getting along with my neighbors is a headache for me./Trying to get along with my neighbors is a source of anxiety for me.

