1. a crime;an offense,《英》 an offence(▼offenseのほうが意味が広く,ごく軽い犯罪も含む)
    • 彼は犯行を自白した
    • He confessed to the crime.
    • 彼は犯行を否認した
    • He denied having committed the crime.
    • 彼は捕まるまで5度も同じ犯行を重ねた
    • He had repeated the same offense five times before being arrested.
    • 犯行は午前6時ごろと推定された
    • The crime took place presumably at about six in the morning.
  1. 犯行現場the scene of the crime
    • 犯人は犯行声明を出した
    • The criminals issued a statement taking [claiming] responsibility.

