1. ((declare)) bankruptcy; insolvency
    • 強制破産
    • involuntary bankruptcy
    • 自己破産
    • voluntary [personal] bankruptcy
    • 破産を申し立てる
    • file for bankruptcy
    • これまで大丈夫と思われていた大企業の多くが,今続々と破産を申請している
    • Major companies which had been thought financially healthy are now filing for bankruptcy one after another.
    • 彼は破産してしまった
    • He has gone bankrupt [into bankruptcy].
    • 裁判所は彼に破産を宣告した
    • The court declared [《文》 adjudicated] him bankrupt [insolvent].
  1. 破産管財人「a trustee [an administrator] in a bankruptcy
  1. 破産者a bankrupt; an insolvent
  1. 破産申請a petition for bankruptcy
    • 会社は近く破産申請をする
    • The company is going to file for bankruptcy soon.
  1. 破産宣告an adjudication of bankruptcy
  1. 破産法(the) bankruptcy law

