1. 1〔確実〕確かな certain; sure(▼certainとsureはほぼ同意だが,certainの方が客観的で確実性が高いことが多い)
    • 確かな証拠
    • positive evidence
    • 彼が早い汽車に乗ったのは確かだ
    • It is certain that he took the earlier train.
    • その病気の確かな治療法
    • a sure cure for the disease
    • この問題が試験に出るのは確かだ
    • This question is sure to be on the test.
    • 確かにお便りを拝見しました
    • Your letter has been received and duly read.
    • 彼は確かに頭はよいが,あまりに利己主義だ
    • He is bright, indeed [to be sure], but too selfish.
    • 確かに彼はそれを知っている
    • 「I'm certain (that) [I'm sure (that)/I have no doubt that] he knows all about it.
    • 確かに一万円札はくれたが,にせ札だった
    • He 「gave me a ten-thousand-yen bill all right [did give me a ten-thousand-yen bill], but it turned out to be counterfeit.
  1. 2〔信頼できる様子〕確かな reliable
    • この情報は確かな筋からのものだ
    • This information came [is] from a reliable source.
    • 彼女の料理の腕は確かだ
    • Whatever she cooks [makes] is sure to be good.
    • あの医者の腕は確かだ
    • He is a reliable doctor./That doctor can [is to] be trusted.
  1. 3〔健全・正常な様子〕確かな sound
    • 頭はまだ確かだが目と耳が衰えてきた
    • His mind is still sound, but his eyesight and hearing are failing.
    • 君,気は確かかね
    • Are you sure you're in your right mind?
  1. 4〔たぶん〕
    • 入荷は確か明日になるはずです
    • A fresh supply is due tomorrow, I believe.
    • 確か5月末のことだった
    • It was at the end of May, if I remember correctly [rightly].

