1. an employee; a member of the staff ((of a company));〔総称〕the staff
    • 新入社員
    • a new [an incoming] employee
    • 正社員
    • a full-fledged [regular] employee
    • 契約社員
    • a contract employee
    • 派遣社員
    • a temporary worker/a temp
    • 現地社員
    • a local employee
    • 彼はその会社の社員である
    • He is on the staff of the company.
  1. 社員株主an employee-shareholder [stockholder]; a worker-shareholder [stockholder]
  1. 社員研修staff [personnel] training
  1. 社員旅行a company trip
  1. 社員割引an employee discount

