1. 1〔投票〕a vote ((for, against));a ballot
    • 固定票
    • committed [solid/loyal] votes
    • 浮動票
    • uncommitted votesthe swing vote
    • 組織票
    • the block [organized] vote/block [organized] votes
    • 個人票
    • individual [unorganized] votes
    • 女性票
    • women's votes/the female vote
    • 支持票
    • votes cast in support/supporting votes
    • 批判票
    • protest votes/the protest vote
    • 票を投じる
    • cast a ballotvote
    • 彼に票[反対票]を投じた
    • I voted for [against] him.
    • 全投票数
    • the total number of votes cast
    • 彼は20票対5票で委員長に選ばれた
    • He was elected chairman of the committee by a vote of 20 to 5.
    • わずか6票で彼に敗れた
    • 「I lost to him [He defeated me] by only six votes.
    • 今回の選挙で彼は約50,000票取った
    • He received [got/polled] about 50,000 votes in the election.
    • 10票は無効とされた
    • Ten ballots were declared invalid.
    • 今回の選挙で我が党は票を伸ばした
    • In the last election the vote count of our party increased.
  1. 2〔札〕
    • 認識票
    • 〔兵士の〕an identification tag/《米口》 one's dog tags
    • 申し込み票
    • an application card
    • 保守系2候補に票が割れた
    • The votes were split between the two conservative candidates.
  1. 票を読む〔得票数を見積もる〕calculate the number of votes which one will win; project the vote count;〔投票数を数える〕count votes
  1. 票集めcanvassing for votes; vote-getting
  2. 票集め票集めをする canvass for votes
    • 各候補は票固めに躍起になっている
    • Each candidate is frantically trying to secure votes.
  1. 票数the number of votes
  1. 票田a candidate's stronghold; one's power base
    • 労組は彼の票田だ
    • He has many supporters in the labor unions.
  1. 票読み票読み
    • vote
    • [参考]ここでは「投票」の場合のみを扱う。

