1. (the) customs(▼ 《英》 では複数扱い,《米》 では単数扱い);a custom(s) house(▼customsは空港・港で旅行者の荷物を調べる所.custom(s) houseは主に港で輸入品などを検査する建物)
    • 横浜税関
    • the Yokohama Custom(s) House
    • 税関を通る
    • go through (the) customs
    • 税関で厳重に荷物を調べられた
    • I had my baggage closely inspected at (the) customs.
    • 私たちの一行には税関の調べがなかった
    • Our party was exempted from the customs inspection.
    • この国の税関は外国観光客に対して特にやかましくない
    • The customs authorities in this country are not particularly strict with foreign tourists.
  1. 税関検査官a customs examiner; a customs official
  1. 税関申告書a customs declaration
  1. 税関長the chief customs inspector
  1. 税関手続きcustoms formalities [procedures]
  1. 税関吏a customs officer

