1. 〔大勢が技を競うこと〕(a) competition, a contest ((with a person for a thing));〔相手と勝負すること〕rivalry

    競争する compete, vie ((with a person for a thing))

    • 値引き競争
    • a price war
    • 軍拡競争
    • an arms race
    • 生存競争
    • a struggle for existence
    • 競争に勝つ[負ける]
    • defeat [be defeated by] one's competitor/「win out over [lose out to] one's competitor(s)
    • その産業での競争は激烈である
    • There's cutthroat competition in that industry.
    • 知事選での競争は激しかった
    • There was a hot race [contest] for governor./The governorship was hotly contested.
    • 彼とでは競争にならない
    • 〔彼が弱すぎて〕He is no match for me./〔彼が強すぎて〕I'm no match for him.
    • 競争圏内[外]にいる
    • be in [out of] the running ((for the championship))
  1. 競争相手a competitor, a rival;〔総称〕the competition
  1. 競争意識(a sense of) rivalry
  1. 競争価格a competitive price
  1. 競争原理the principle of competition;〔市場の〕the principle of (free) competition, the principle of market mechanisms
    • 競争原理が働けば経済は活性化すると言われている
    • It is said that the economy will gain momentum when the principle of competition comes into play.
  1. 競争試験a competitive examination
  1. 競争社会a competitive society
  1. 競争心a competitive spirit
    • 競争心を駆り立てる[煽る]
    • arouse (a sense of) rivalry in a person
  1. 競争率the competitive rate
    • 競争率は2.5倍だ
    • Only 40 percent of the applicants will be accepted./There are 2.5 applicants for each opening.(▼openingは就職口などの空席)
  1. 競争力ability to compete/competitiveness
    • 労働賃金が高いのでわが社の製品は世界市場で競争力がない
    • Because of high labor costs, our products cannot compete on the world market.

