- 1〔上等でない様子〕 ⇒おそまつ(御粗末)
粗末な 〔みすぼらしい〕shabby;〔粗悪な〕coarse;〔質素な〕plain, simple
- 粗末な家に住んでいる
- I live in a humble [shabby] house.
- 粗末な紙
- coarse [poor-quality] paper
- 作りが粗末な家具
- shoddy [poorly made] furniture
- 彼らは粗末な食べ物を食べていた
- They lived on plain food./They were poorly fed.(▼be poorly fedはろくな食べ物がないこと)
- 粗末なお菓子ですが,どうぞお召し上がりください
- Please help yourself to these simple cakes.(▼英語では謙遜して「粗末な」とは言わない)
- 粗末な物ですが,どうぞ
- I have a small present for you./《口》 Here is a little something for you.
- 2〔おろそかにする様子〕
- 親を粗末にする
- neglect one's parents
- 近ごろの子供は物を粗末にする
- 〔無駄にする〕Today's children waste things./〔乱暴に扱う〕Nowadays children 「don't take good care of things [handle things carelessly].
- 命を粗末にするな
- Don't throw your life away./Don't go killing yourself.
- 店員に粗末にされて怒っている
- He is angry because he was not given polite [proper] service by the clerk.