Natto is a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans which are first cooked and then fermented. Natto can be an acquired taste even among Japanese people becaue of its strong smell and gooey, stringy texture. Particularly popular from the Kanto region northeastward, it can be eaten in many ways, but the most common is to add soy sauce, mustard, and finely chopped scallions, stir vigorously with one's chopsticks, and eat on top of hot rice. 意訳:大豆を煮て納豆菌を加えて発酵させた食品.独特のにおいと粘り気があるため,日本人でも好き嫌いが分かれる.醤油やからしやねぎなどを加えてよくかきまぜ,温かいご飯にかけて食べる.関東以北でよく食される