1. 1〔時がたつ〕pass;《文》 elapse ⇒たつ(経つ)
    • 1か月を経ても音沙汰さたがない
    • A month has passed [elapsed] and we have had no news.
    • なす事もなく日を経る
    • spend [pass] one's days in idleness
    • 事故以来3年を経た
    • It has been three years since the accident.
    • 2年を経て彼らは結婚した
    • They got married 「two years later [after two years].
  1. 2〔通過する〕pass [go] through
    • 京都を経て大阪へ行く
    • go to Osaka by way of Kyoto
    • インドを経て中近東へ行く
    • go to the Near East via India
  1. 3〔過程を通る〕
    • 書類は課長を経て重役に渡される
    • All documents pass through the hands of the section heads before they reach the director.
    • 許可が下りるまでには複雑な手続きを経なければならない
    • You have to go through complicated formalities before you (can) get a permit.
  1. 4〔経験する〕
    • 多くの困難を経てようやく成功した
    • After experiencing [going through] many difficulties, he finally succeeded.

