1. 1〔生産,流通,消費などの活動〕the economy;〔その仕組〕an economy

    経済の economic

    • 日本[国民]経済
    • the Japanese [national] economy
    • 国民経済計算速報
    • Quick Estimates ((略 QE))
    • ブロック[自立/自由/統制/計画]経済
    • a bloc [self-supporting/free/controlled/planned] economy
    • 経済危機
    • an economic crisis
    • 経済の安定[安定化]
    • economic stability [stabilization]
    • 経済の自由化
    • economic deregulation [liberalization]
    • 経済のひずみ
    • economic maladjustment
    • 経済的相互依存
    • economic interdependence
  1. 2〔財政〕finance
    • 家庭経済
    • family financesthe family budget
    • それではわが家の経済が成り立たない
    • It will ruin the finances of my family.
    • それは私の経済が許さない
    • It is beyond my means.
    • 経済援助
    • financial support [aid]
  1. 3〔節約〕economy

    経済的な(に) economical(ly)

    • 労力の経済
    • economizing on labor
    • このやり方をすれば時間の経済になる
    • This method will save time.
    • 天然資源を経済的に使う
    • be economical in our use of natural resources/use natural resources sparingly
    • いつも経済的にやってきた
    • I have always been thrifty [frugal].
  1. 経済援助economic aid
  1. 経済家〔節倹家〕a frugal [thrifty] person
  1. 経済界the economic world; financial circles
  1. 経済外交economic diplomacy
  1. 経済開発economic development
  1. 経済学(部)(the department of) economics
  1. 経済学者an economist
  1. 経済活動economic activities
    • 経済観念のない人だ
    • He 「has no [lacks a] sense of economy.
  1. 経済危機an economic crisis
  1. 経済機構an economic structure
  1. 経済記事「an economic [《英》 a City] article
  1. 経済基盤the economic infrastructure ((of Japan))
  1. 経済恐慌a financial panic
  1. 経済行政financial administration
  1. 経済協力economic cooperation [〔援助〕assistance]
  1. 経済協力開発機構the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ((略 OECD))
  1. 経済原則economic principles
  1. 経済原論the principles of economics
  1. 経済構造(an) economic structure
  1. 経済構造改革economic structural change
  1. 経済財政諮問会議the Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy ((略 CEFP))
  1. 経済産業省the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
  1. 経済産業大臣the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
  1. 経済指標economic indicators
  1. (国連)経済社会理事会the (UN) Economic and Social Council ((略 ECOSOC))
  1. 経済状態economic [financial] conditions
    • 彼の家は経済状態がいい[悪い]
    • His family is well [badly] off.
    • 今のような経済状態では先行きが危ぶまれる
    • With economic conditions as they are, prospects look bleak.
    • 会社の経済状態は破綻をきたした
    • The company went bankrupt.
  1. 経済人「a financial [an economic] expert;〔広義〕a businessman
  1. 経済水域economic waters; an economic zone
  1. 経済水準an economic level [standard]
  1. 経済制裁economic sanctions
    • その国は隣国に経済制裁を加えた
    • The country imposed economic sanctions on its neighbor.
  1. 経済政策an economic policy
  1. 経済成長economic growth
  1. 経済成長率the economic growth rate
    • 実質経済成長率
    • the inflation adjusted economic growth rate
    • 名目経済成長率
    • the nominal economic growth rate
  1. 経済大国an economic power
  1. 経済対策閣僚会議the Ministerial Council on Economic Measures
  1. 経済体制an economic system
  1. 経済闘争〔労働組合などの〕the ((labor union's)) struggle for improved working conditions and economic benefits
  1. 経済同友会the Japanese Association of Corporate Executives
  1. 経済特区a special economic zone
  1. 経済白書an economic white paper
  1. 経済評論家an economic analyst
  1. 経済封鎖an economic blockade
  1. 経済報復economic retaliation
  1. 経済摩擦economic friction
    • 日本とEU間の経済摩擦
    • economic friction between Japan and the EU
  1. 経済問題an economic problem
  1. 経済面〔新聞の〕the financial [economic] page;《英》 the City page

