〔誇りに思う〕be proud of;〔ほらをまじえて大げさに〕boast ((of)),brag ((about))
- お国自慢をする
- boast [talk proudly] of one's hometown [country]
- お国自慢に花を咲かせた
- Each told how good his country [hometown] was.
- これは彼の自慢の絵です
- This is a picture he is proud of.
- あの娘は両親の自慢の種だ
- She's the pride (and joy) of her parents.
- 彼女はよく息子の自慢をする
- She often boasts of [about] her son.
- おじいさんはいつも若いころのことを自慢して話す
- The old man talks boastfully about his young days all the time.
- 自慢じゃないが私の講演は成功だった
- My lecture was a great success, even if I do say so myself!