〔人や船が〕sail;〔人が〕go on a voyage;〔巡航する〕cruise
- その船は航海中である
- The ship is at sea.
- 豪華客船で太平洋を航海中
- on one's voyage across the Pacific on a luxury liner
- 沖縄までゆっくり航海した
- We sailed slowly to Okinawa./We made a leisurely voyage [cruise] to Okinawa.
- 真冬に航海に出た
- We started on our voyage [We put out to sea] in the middle of winter.
- 大荒れの[静かな]航海でした
- We had a rough [smooth] voyage [passage].
- 航海の無事を祈ります
- I wish you a safe voyage./Bon voyage!