1. I
  1. 1〔植物の〕a flower;〔主に果樹の〕a blossom;〔桜の花〕cherry blossoms
  2. はな(花)
    • 花の模様
    • a floral design
    • 花の(咲いている)野原
    • a field of flowers
    • 花の咲く草木
    • a flowering plant
    • それらの花は早春に咲く
    • These flowers bloom [blossom] early in spring.
    • 果物の木はたいてい春花が咲く
    • Most fruit trees blossom [flower] in spring.
    • 桜の花が咲いた
    • The cherry blossoms are out.
    • 花が散った
    • The flowers are gone.
    • 花を作る
    • grow flowers
    • 花を生ける
    • arrange flowers (in a vase)
  1. 2〔生け花〕
    • 花を習う
    • take lessons in flower arrangement
  1. 3〔花札〕Japanese playing cards
    • 花を打つ
    • play cards
  1. II
  1. 1〔最盛期〕
    • 人生の花
    • the best days of one's life
    • 彼はあのころが花だった
    • 〔社会的に栄えた時代〕Those were his best days./〔身体的に旺盛な時代〕He was 「in his prime [at the height of his powers] then.
    • 若いうちが花だ
    • Youth is a treasure.
  1. 2〔最もよいこと〕
    • 言わぬが花
    • Better leave it unsaid.
  1. 3〔精華〕essence
    • これこそ近代建築の花だ
    • This is what modern architecture is all about.
    • 彼女は社交界の花である
    • She is the queen of society.
  1. 花と散るdie heroically; die a noble death
  1. 花も恥じらうはじらう(恥じらう)
  1. 花も実もあるsubstantial as well as beautiful
    • 花も実もある人生
    • a full life
    • 最後の花を咲かせようと70歳で選挙に立候補した
    • Determined to achieve the final crowning success of his life, he ran for election at the age of 70.
    • 彼女はそのパーティーに花を添えた
    • She [Her presence] added to the gaiety of the party.
    • 錦上花を添える
    • add luster to something that is already splendid
    • 仕事の完成について,彼に花を持たせた
    • They let him take [have] the credit for the completion of the work.
  1. 花生けa flower vase
  1. 花売り娘a flower girl
  1. 花かごa flower basket
  1. 花柄はなもよう(花模様)
  1. 花曇りa cloudy day during the cherry blossom season
  1. 花言葉the code for flowers
  1. 花暦a floral calendar
  1. 花盛り花盛り
  1. 花園a flower garden
  1. 花代花代
  1. 花束a bunch of flowers; a bouquet [boukéi|bu-]; a posy(▼小さい);《文》 a nosegay(▼特に甘い香りの)
  1. 花便りnews of 「cherry blossoms [the blossoming of cherry trees];《文》 tidings of the approach of the cherry blossom season
  1. 花作りflower gardening;〔人〕a floriculturist
  1. 花電車a streetcar [《英》 tram] decked out in flowers
  1. 花時計a flower clock
  1. 花ばさみ(a pair of) gardening clippers
  1. 花畑〔花園〕a flower garden;〔花壇〕a flowerbed;〔高山の〕a field of alpine flowers
  1. 花冷え花冷え
  1. 花びらa petal ⇒かべん(花弁)
  1. 花吹雪a shower of falling cherry blossom petals
  1. 花祭the Flower Festival; (the) Buddha's birthday festival
  1. 花見花見
  1. 花文字〔飾り文字〕a decorated initial letter;〔章の初めの大文字〕decorative [ornamental] capital letters;〔花を並べて作った文字〕flower letters
  1. 花模様花模様
  1. 花屋〔人〕a florist;〔店〕a flower shop, a florist's;〔屋台〕a flower stall
  1. 花輪花輪

