1. flower viewing
    Hanami, literally translated as “flower viewing”, amounts to virtually a national tradition in Japan. During the week in March or April when cherry blossoms are in full bloom, Japanese have flower-viewing outings in parks and botanical gardens with family members, friends, or co-workers. Seated under the flowering cherry trees they eat, drink, sing songs, and enjoy each other's company.Japanese cherry trees, mostly Somei Yoshino, or Yoshino cherry trees, remain in bloom for only about a week. Since ancient times, the Japanese have appreciated the ephemeral beauty and grace of the pale pink blossoms, and their transient nature has captured the imagination of poets and painters throughout the nation's history.
    • 公園に花見に行く
    • go to see cherry blossoms in a park
  1. 花見客people enjoying the (cherry) blossoms
  1. 花見酒sake drunk under the cherry blossoms
  1. 花見時the cherry-blossom season

