1. 〔辛苦〕hardship(s);〔骨折り〕trouble, pains;〔心配〕anxiety, worry ((over))
    • 親には大変苦労をかけた
    • I have given [caused] my parents much trouble [anxiety].
    • 病弱な息子が苦労の種だった
    • His sickly son was a source of anxiety to him.
    • 苦労の多い一生だった
    • He led a life full of cares.
    • 彼は何の苦労も知らずに育った
    • He was brought up free from [of] all care.
    • 君はまだ苦労が足りないね
    • You have not seen enough of life [the world].
    • 彼女を喜ばせるためならなんの苦労もいとわなかったろう
    • He would have spared no pains to please her.
    • 苦労のかいがあった
    • My effort has been rewarded.
    • どれほど苦労してきたか誰にもわからない
    • Nobody knows what trials and tribulations I've come through./Nobody knows the trouble I've seen.
    • 苦労して彼の機嫌をとる必要はない
    • You don't have to take the trouble to flatter him.
    • 未亡人はいろいろ苦労して子供たちを育てた
    • The widow went through many hardships to raise her children.
    • 薄暗がりで苦労してその手紙を読んだ
    • He read the letter with difficulty in the dim light.
    • 彼らは苦労して大雪の中を進んだ
    • They labored [struggled] through the heavy snow.
    • 当時は金で苦労していた
    • In those days I was pressed for money.
    • 彼は苦労性だ
    • He is given to worrying.
  1. 苦労人a man who understands other's problems (because he has had a hard time himself)

