1. I
  1. 1〔目的地〕one's destination
    • この列車の行き先はどこですか
    • What is the destination of this train?/Where does this train go (to)?/Where is this train bound (for)?
    • 行き先を言わずに出て行った
    • He went out without telling me where he was going.
  1. 2〔行った場所〕the place where one has gone;〔所在〕one's whereabouts
    • 彼の行き先がはっきりしない
    • I am not sure 「where he has gone [of his whereabouts].
    • 行き先から電話があった
    • He phoned me from where he was staying.
  1. II〔将来〕the future ⇒さきゆき(先行き)

