1. 1〔両親〕parents;〔父または母〕a parent;〔父〕a father;〔母〕a mother

    親の parental

    • 実の親
    • one's real [true] father [mother](▼one's parentと単数では言わない.片親なら one's fatherまたは one's mother)
    • 育ての親
    • one's foster [adoptive] father [mother](▼adoptiveは養子の関係)
    • 私は実の親ではありませんがあの子は私の子供です
    • I admit I am not her biological [natural] mother, but she is still my child.
    • 親を失う[養う]
    • lose [support] one's parents
    • 子供にこんなことをさせておくなんて親の顔が見たいよ
    • I want to know what kind of parents allow their children to do such a thing.
    • 彼の親はだれか分からない
    • His parentage is unknown.
  1. 2〔物の始め,元祖〕the founder
    • 教派の親
    • the founder of a sect
    • この機械の生みの親
    • the inventor of this machine
  1. 3〔トランプの〕the dealer;〔賭博の〕the banker
    • 親は君だ
    • It's your (turn to) deal.
  1. 親が死んでも食休みYou should rest after a meal no matter what may have happened.
  1. 親に似ぬ子は鬼子He is quite unlike his father.
  1. 親の因果が子に報い《文》 The sins of the parents will be visited upon the children.
    • 最近は親の風を吹かせても子供に無視されることが多い
    • Parental authority doesn't mean much to children these days.
  1. 親の心子知らずChildren 「do not know how indebted they are [tend to be ungrateful] to their parents.
  1. 親のすねをかじるsponge [live] off one's parents/「be dependent [sponge] on one's parents
  1. 親の光は七光It's a great help to have a famous parent./He has attained success thanks to his father's [mother's] name.
    • 親の欲目で子供を見がちです
    • We are apt to regard our children with indulgent eyes.
  1. 親はなくとも子は育つChildren grow up somehow, even without parents.
  1. この親にしてこの子ありLike father, like son.
  1. 親会社a parent [holding] company
  1. 親局a key station
  1. 親殺しparricide;〔父殺し〕patricide;〔母殺し〕matricide
  1. pro-
    • 親日の
    • pro-Japanese
    • 親米外交
    • a pro-American foreign policy
    • 親米派
    • the pro-American faction [group]

