- 1〔世評〕(public) estimation;〔名声〕(a) reputation ((for));〔人気〕popularity ((among, with))
評判の popular ((with))
- 評判がよい[悪い]
- have a good [bad/poor] reputation
- 評判がよい小説
- 〔よいと認められた〕a well-received novel/〔大衆に受けた〕a popular novel
- 新市長は世間の評判がよい
- The new mayor 「stands high in public estimation [is popular among the people].
- 彼女は友人の間で評判がよい[悪い]
- She is popular [unpopular] with her friends.
- その週刊誌はスキャンダル記事で評判が悪い
- The weekly is notorious for its stories of scandal.
- 彼は学者の間で評判が高く[悪く]なった
- He has risen [fallen] in the estimation of scholars.
- 評判を高める
- heighten [increase] one's popularity
- 評判を落とす
- lose one's popularity [good reputation]
- 評判を取り戻す
- restore one's former reputation/regain one's popularity
- 彼は有能な実業家だという評判を取った
- He earned [got/acquired] a reputation as an able businessman.
- その川堤は花見の名所として評判になった
- The banks of the river have become a popular cherry-viewing site.
- その小説は主婦たちに評判になった
- The novel won [enjoyed] popularity among housewives.
- 彼は評判倒れだった[評判ほどではなかった]
- He was not so good as he was reputed to be./He was overrated./《口》 He wasn't all he was cracked up to be.
- 2〔うわさ〕a rumor,《英》 a rumour
評判の much-talked-of[-about] ((celebrities))
- 評判の人
- a person who is much talked about
- 彼女は評判の美人だ
- She is famous for her beauty.
- 彼が知事に当選するだろうという評判がたった
- It was said that he probably would be elected governor.
- その結婚は町中の評判になった
- The wedding became the talk of the town./The whole town was talking about the marriage.
- 誰が評判を立てたか分からない
- No one knows who started the rumor.
- 彼と事件のかかわりあいについていろいろ評判されている
- There is a lot of gossip about his involvement [entanglement] in the affair.
- 3〔名声〕fame;〔悪名〕notoriety
評判の 〔有名な〕famous;〔悪名高い〕notorious ((for))