1. 1〔誘い導くこと〕誘導する lead; guide
    • 火災の時に店員がが客を上手に店の外へ誘導した
    • At the time of the fire the salesclerks skillfully guided [led] the customers out of the shop.
    • 管制官の誘導は完全であった
    • The instructions from the control tower were perfect.
    • 管制官は飛行機を誘導して着陸させた
    • The air controller talked the plane down.
    • 船は狭い海峡を通って無事に港へ誘導された
    • The boat was piloted safely to the port through the narrow strait.
  1. 2〔電気の〕induction;〔化学で化合物の〕derivation;〔実験発生学で胚の〕induction
    • 電磁誘導
    • electromagnetic induction
  1. 誘導原〔発生学で〕an inductor
  1. 誘導コイルan induction coil
  1. 誘導者a guide
  1. 誘導尋問a leading question
    • 彼は誘導尋問にあった
    • He was asked leading questions.
    • 容疑者は検察官の巧みな誘導尋問に引っ掛かって自白した
    • The suspect was tricked into confessing to his crime by the public prosecutor's skillful questioning.
  1. 誘導装置〔ミサイルなどの〕a guidance system;〔航空機に対する〕a talk-down system
  1. 誘導体〔化学で〕a derivative
  1. 誘導弾a guided missile
  1. 誘導電流an induced current

