1. 1〔説明する〕explain ((to a person; that; wh-));《文》 expound
    • 先生はこの点を詳細に説いた
    • The teacher explained the point at length.
    • この原理を説いた本
    • a book that explains [expounds] this principle
  1. 2〔教え諭す〕preach ((to; that));〔提唱する〕advocate ((doing))
    • 人の道を説く
    • preach morality
    • 彼は息子の誤りをこんこんと説いた
    • He explained earnestly to his son what was wrong with his behavior.
    • 学者たちは新しい外交政策の必要性を説いている
    • Scholars advocate the necessity for new foreign policies.
  1. 3〔説得する〕
    • 彼を説いて辞意を翻させた
    • I 「talked him out of [《文》 dissuaded him from] resigning.
    • 社長を説いて新方式を採用してもらった
    • I 「persuaded the president to adopt [talked the president into adopting] a new system.

