1. I
  1. 1〔声に出して読む〕
    • 子供におとぎ話を読んでやる
    • read a fairy story to [for] the children
    • 式辞を読む
    • read out an address
    • お経を読む
    • recite [chant] a sutra
  1. 2〔内容を〕
    • その本は時折少しずつ読む本で,一気に読んでしまうものではない
    • It's a book to pick up and read a little at a time, not to read through at one sitting.
    • 彼の自叙伝を読むとまるで冒険小説のようだ
    • His autobiography reads like an adventure story.
    • 次の数章は飛ばして読んだ
    • I skipped over the next few chapters.
    • そんな本はざっと読めばよい
    • You can just scan [skim through] such a book.
    • その探偵小説を夢中で読んだ
    • He devoured the detective story.
    • その小説を読み終えたところだ
    • I've just finished reading that novel.
    • こうした点を頭に置いて記録を読んだ
    • I examined the records with these points in mind.
    • この週刊誌は若者の間で広く読まれている
    • This weekly is widely read among young people.
    • 彼の本はこのごろほとんど読まれていない
    • His books are little read these days.
    • 手紙の意味は読んで字のごとくだ
    • The meaning of the letter is self-evident.
    • その文章はいろいろに読める
    • The sentence can be read [interpreted] in various ways.
  1. 3〔特殊な記号などを〕
    • 楽譜[ガスメーター]を読む
    • read music [a gas meter]
    • 時計を読む
    • tell time/read a clock
    • 暗号を読む
    • decipher [disáifər] a code
    • 彼の字は読めない
    • His writing is 「(almost) impossible to read [illegible].
  1. II
  1. 1〔探る,理解する〕
    • 彼の心が読めなかった
    • I couldn't 「read his thoughts [tell what he was thinking].
    • 彼の言わんとすることが読めた
    • I understood [saw] what he wanted to say.
    • 行間の意味を読む
    • read between the lines
    • 顔色を読む
    • read a person's attitude from 「her expression [the look on her face]
  1. 2〔数える〕
    • 票を読む
    • 〔予想する〕forecast the vote count/〔投票を数える〕count the votes
    • 秒を読む
    • count down
  1. 3〔碁などで,先の手を考える〕
    • (碁・将棋が)強くなるためには数手先まで読むことを覚えなければだめだ
    • To improve the quality of your play, you have to learn to read [see] several moves ahead.

