investigate, look into,《文》 inquire into;〔照合などにより真偽を確かめる〕check up on
- 現地調査
- an on-the-spot investigation
- 人の身元調査をする
- make an investigation of a person's background
- 市場調査
- ((do)) market research ((on))
- 事故の原因は目下調査中
- The cause of the accident is under investigation.
- 当局の調査によれば
- according to the inquiry made by the authorities
- 彼の背後関係を調査中である
- We are checking up on his background.
- 委員会は調査結果を発表した
- The committee announced its findings.
- (会計の)帳簿を調査する
- look into the books
- 人物を調査する
- 「inquire into [check up on] a person's character