1. 〔運命などに甘んじる〕resign [reconcile] oneself ((to)),be resigned [reconciled] ((to));〔断念する〕abandon, give up ((an idea, hope))
    • それは運命とあきらめた
    • I resigned myself to it as my lot.
    • 第2志望であきらめた
    • I reconciled myself to my second choice.
    • 夫は死んだものとあきらめた
    • She gave her husband up for dead.
    • イギリス行きをあきらめた
    • I 「gave up [abandoned] the idea of going to England.
    • 彼は商売での損失をあきらめ切れなかった
    • He could not 「get over [accept] the loss in his business.
    • 回復の望みはないとあきらめた
    • He accepted the fact that there was no hope of recovery.

