- (a) warning;《英》 a caution
警告する warn, caution ((a person against doing));advise ((a person (not) to do))
- なんの警告もなしに発砲した
- He fired (his gun) without warning.
- 友人たちの警告も聞かずに川で泳ぎだした
- He began to swim in the river against the advice of his friends.
- 酒を飲み過ぎないよう彼に警告した
- I warned [cautioned] him against excessive drinking./I advised him not to drink too much.
- 大麻を持っていた選手の所属チームは警告のため1年間の出場停止処分を受けた
- The team with the player who had marijuana was forbidden to play in tournaments for a year as a warning example to other teams.
- 警告灯a warning light;〔自動車の計器の〕an idiot light
- 警告メッセージ〔コンピュータの〕a warning message (appearing on the screen)
- 警告ランプa warning lamp
- ストーブに石油を足さなければならない.警告ランプが点いている
- We must put more oil in the stove. The indicator lamp is on.