- 〔用心〕caution, precaution ((against))
警戒する be cautious ((of, about)),guard ((against)),be on one's guard ((against)),be on the watch ((for));〔監視する〕look out, watch out ((for))
- 警戒して
- 〔慎重に〕cautiously/〔念のため〕by way of precaution
- 彼の右フックを警戒しろ
- You've got to watch out for his right hook.
- 甘い話には警戒しなさい
- Beware of tempting proposals [offers].
- 彼らはインフレを警戒している
- They are on their guard against inflation.
- 彼の巧みな言葉につられて警戒を緩めてしまった
- His smooth words put me off my guard.
- 再発の兆候を警戒する
- be on the watch for signs of recurrence
- 組合の動向を警戒する
- keep 「an eye [a watch] on movements in the labor union
- どんな小さな音にも警戒を怠らなかった
- He was alert to the faintest sound.
- 警戒警報a precautionary warning
- 警戒警報が出た
- There has been a preliminary warning.
- 警戒色warning coloration
- 教師たちは校内暴力に対して警戒色を強めている
- The teachers are 「growing increasingly wary of [redoubling their precautions against] school violence.
- 警戒心wariness
- とても警戒心が強い
- He is extremely cautious.
- 警戒信号a caution [warning] signal
- 水位は警戒線を越えた
- The water level has risen above the warning line.
- 沿岸に警戒態勢が敷かれた
- People in the coastal area were put on the alert.
- 警察はテロに備えて警戒態勢をとっている
- The police are on the alert against terrorist activity.
- 警戒網を張る
- lay a police cordon ((around an area))/block off ((an area))
- 警戒網を破る
- slip through a police cordon