1. 〔貸し付け〕a loan;〔売り掛け金〕a bill
    • 彼に5万円貸しがある
    • He owes me fifty thousand yen.
    • 困ったところを助けてやって彼に貸しを作った
    • I put him under a debt of gratitude by helping him out of difficulty.
  1. 貸し衣装貸し衣装
  1. 貸し金庫a safety-deposit [safe-deposit] box
    • 銀行の貸金庫を利用している
    • I have a safety-deposit box at the bank.
  1. 貸ししぶりa credit crunch; refusing to extend new loans to businesses
  1. 貸し事務所《米》 an office for rent,《英》 an office to let
  1. 貸し賃[料]《米》 rent,《英》 hire;〔貸し本などの〕loan charges
    • ボートの貸し賃はいくらですか
    • 《米》 How much does it cost to rent a boat?/《英》 How much is the hire of a boat?
  1. 貸しはがしdemanding payment of outstanding loans
  1. 貸し布団《米》 bedding for rent,《英》 bedding for hire
  1. 貸しボート[自転車]《米》 a boat [bicycle] for rent, a rented boat [bicycle];《英》 a boat [bicycle] for hire, a hired boat [bicycle]

